In addition to the club benefits of great group rates to a variety of ski destinations, year round sports and social activities, and meeting new people who enjoy doing the same things you do, MLSC members get discounts at several local ski and outdoors shops. Keep your card in your wallet and be sure to ask when paying! Plus, there are ADDITIONAL BENEFITS provided through Main Line Ski Club’s participation in the Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council and membership in the National Ski Council Federation.
BENEFITS INCLUDE: Discount Lift Tickets for most eastern Pennsylvania ski resorts, and many New York and New England resorts as well. Only available through pre-orders from Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council at
10% to 30% discounts on ski and snowboard rentals, and retail purchases through several local ski and outdoor shops as well as many national retailers:
* Travel Insurance
* Buckman’s Ski Shops
* Ski Bum
* Christy Sports
* Breeze Ski Rentals
* Sports Express
* Sports Basement
* Hertz Car Rental
* East West Resorts
This is just a very small sample of the many discount benefits available to MLSC members through our member affiliations.